Our Mystery Shoppers

Advanced shopper selection and training

We customize the selection of shoppers for your program based on specific demographic and lifestyle characteristics of your industry. Eligible shoppers will be arranged to complete proper trainings designed according to the specific objectives and requirements of your program before every visits.

Comprehensive shopper management

During the visit, we also constantly monitor the performance of each shopper. After-visit assessment will be held for every shoppers, if the quality of feedback is below our standard, evaluation report will be voided and the shopper will not be used again. We will monitor shopper scoring bias, both positive and negative, to ensure the data integrity. We also regularly inactivate shoppers who display a tendency to award high or low overall scores. Our shopper are required to follow "The Professional Standards and Ethics Agreement for Mystery Shoppers" stated by Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) strictly, so as to guarantee the quality of evaluation reports.