Direct Sales & Promoter Services

Direct Sales Operation and Management

We have rich experience in direct sales service. Our direct sales teams have covered all business areas in Hong Kong. With our previous experience, our supervisors can easily figure out the right areas for different kinds of product selling and can demonstrate the result quickly.

In October 2003 and 2004, we have successfully won the tendors of Hongkong Post for her Speedpost Direct Sales Project. In the tendor period of 5 months, we have successfully registered more than 5,000 quality Small & Medium Enterprise customers in Hong Kong to acquire Speedpost Business Accounts. In this 5-month time, we made use of total 2 Business Direct Sales Teams of more than 30 Salesmen to target the corporate customers over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. With good and prompt team and sales management and experiences from our previous successful stories, our service was considered as very satisfactory and therefore our relationship with Hongkong Post - Speedpost was kept in very good situation.

Besides, we have also successfully helped China Motion Tel. (HK) Limited to acquire thousands of commercial IDD customers in 3-month time with high activation and retention rate and became her largest Dealer in Business IDD Acquisition. Until now for her new brand 0050 IDD service, PCCW Business Netvigator, Hutchison Global Crossing commercial fixed network products, CM Concept Mobile service, etc., We have been our clients' trustful and reliable partner to acquire valuable business and residential customers in Hong Kong.

Full-time / Part-time Promoters (Short-term and Long-term)

Recruiting quality promoters and keeping monitoring of their on-going performance, attitude towards sales results and morale under suitable supervision are the key success factors to maintain good quality promoter business. Developing good internal relationship between the sales promoters and our supervisors are another crucial factor to lead your business to a success.

We carried out our staff screening process to ensure the quality and commitment in service quality of our promoters. From time to time, our supervisors keep close monitoring to their work performance such as punctuality and communication skill and support them in experience and casual sharing.

Besides, our supervisors develop suitable roster and mechanism to ensure their service such as preparing and implementing the attendance sheet and gathering feedback from our clients. And we also have quality assurance provided to our clients, i.e. to swap and even replace promoters in order to provide the best customer service to our customers in the shortest time. All these measures helped us to win some of the big clients in Hong Kong.