The Smiling Report


The Smiling Report is launched by the member of MSPA in different countries all over the world. It is a global survey on the circumstances of service providers delivering their smiles to the corresponding customers. The measuring scale is based on whether the Mystery Shopper during his/her visit received a smile, a greeting and an add-on sales suggestion.

The report is complied from Mystery Shopping evaluations world wide.

The Smiling Report 2017-18

ISA as a leading mystery shoppers provider has taken part in evaluating the smiling circumstances of Hong Kong Service providers across a spectrum of industries. Our customer service data was compiled with the other Mystery Shopper Service Providers in 26 countries this year. This global Smiling Report 2011 has been translated into 9 different languages. To read The Smiling Report 2011, you can refer to

Join The Smiling Report 2018-19

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